martes, 5 de agosto de 2008

El Rompimiento de Gloria

Título: El Rompimiento de Gloria
Género: Novela
Autor: Marqués de Tamarón
Editores: Pre-textos
Año de publicación: 2003
ISBN: 84-8191-504-1

Edición electrónica:

2 comentarios:

  1. Comentarios recibidos:

    Glaukopis dijo...
    No estoy segura que el color glauco de los ojos de Helena en el 'El rompimiento de gloria coincida con el pantone 'verde mar' del Diccionario.
    Unamuno decía que glauco quiere decir 'mochuelesco' e Isidoro 'Glaucus vero est veluti pictos oculos habens et quodam splendore perfusos. Nam glaucum veteres dixerunt. Gilvus autem melinus color est subalbidus. Guttatus, albus nigris intervenientibus punctis.' cita que, por cierto, no se encuentra en ninguna web española.
    Glaucos eran los ojos de Escipición el Africano como creo recordar, comenta Tito Livio en las Décadas.

    Marco dijo...
    Para Drusilla Dunjee Houston (1985) "Athena is glaukopis; glaukos means blue like the sea and the unclouded sky; the olive is glaukos also, Athena is guardian of the olive. Glaukopis means that her eyes are brillant and terrible"

    Lucio dijo...
    Sobre Glaukopis y la cuestión del color de los ojos de Atenea en "The Queen of the Air" de John Ruskin leemos:"
    There is precisely a similar confusion between light and color in the word used for the blue of the eyes of Athena –a noble confusion, however, brought about the intensity of the greek sense that the heaven is light, more it is blue. I was not thinking of this when I wrote is speaking of pictorial chiaroscuro, “The sky is not blue color merely: it is blue fire and cannot be painted” (Mod. P. iv. P36); but it was this that the Greeks chiefly felt of it, and so “Glaukopis” chiefly means gray eyed: gray standing for a pale of luminous blue; but ir only means “owl-eyed” in thought of the roundness and expansion, not form the color; this breath and brightness being, again, in their moral sense tipycal of the breadth, intensity, and singleness of the sight in prudence (“if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light”). Then the actual power of the bird to see in twilight enters inte te type, and perhaps its general fineness of sense. “Before de human form was adopted, her (Athena’s) proper symbol was de owl, a bird wich seems to surpass all other creatures in acuteness of organic perception, its eye being calculated to observe objects wich to all others are enveloped in darkness, its ear to hear sounds distinctly, and its nostrils to discriminate effluvia with such nicety that it has been deemed prophetic, from discovering the putridity of death even in the first stages of disease”.

  2. Para ser Ingles domina poderosamente el castellano de la zona de burgos.Pero en el "Rompimiento" SE LE ESCAPAN LOS PERSONAJES,ELLOS SI SON INGLESES..En cualquier casoescribir otra novela seria sumamente agradable para sus lectores.Puedo preguntar si esta en ello?La respuesta afirmativa seria un premio para muchos de nosotros,NOSEBIEN:

